I just wanna highlight here that MY BLOG is not like ani other is not about my life..all that i upload are stories or some text *taken from websites n emails* tt are interesting meaningful and at the same time teaching us some values or reminding small little things around us..hope u enjoy~!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

failure or success depends on you


The past is only alive if you keep it alive. You can’t change yesterday but you can build today for tomorrow. Don’t shackle yourself with regrets. Don’t start feeling sorry for yourself. Whatever your previous circumstances, others have gotten through the same or worse. Appreciate yourself as a tested survivor: strong and determined. Learn from the past but don’t assume that your past automatically equals your future. Instead, fill your life with anticipation. Set your goals. Write your to-dos. Just because you haven’t done something before doesn’t mean that you can’t start doing it right now. Be the new, dynamic you. Right now.


Be ready. There is no better time to start taking positive action than right now. You research and you have confidence in your preparations. You don’t allow yourself to become paralyzed by indecision. You realize that a time comes when you must act. If you hesitate too long, doubts will linger and turn into fears. Yes, you may stumble. Yes, you may be rejected. Yes, you may fail. This is life. Life’s winners accept that in trying they may have to adjust and even start again and again. The difference between successful people and others is not whether you make mistakes or even temporarily fail, but how you respond. Many people look for guarantees before taking independent action. Yet, in seeking assurances, they frequently receive cautions, which can easily be used as excuses for inaction.


A positive mental attitude results from a life dedicated to self-improvement and service. With a personal commitment to doing your best today, you don’t have to be overly concerned about tomorrow. You can be confident that good things will happen and be equally confident that if trouble comes you will have the strength and skills to cope, take control and then conquer. You are tough. You stay at it. You don’t allow your doubts to destroy your dreams. Hope does spring eternal. You are thankful to have the curiosity to keep learning. You are grateful to see opportunity knock so often. You are thankful to have the personality to keep making new friends. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time so make that one thought positive. Count your blessings. The way is clear. The world is a better place because you are in it.

ME: if i tell myself i had lost..then its over... but if we persist together..the battle has just started..WAY TO GO GUYS..we can do it..i have faith in VJ netball..LET'S DO IT~!


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